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How to create Vcam in Flash or Adobe Animate

What is Vcam?

Vcam is a box that can you move on your stage and everything inside the box is what will you see when you export your animation

Do you want to make a Vcam?

  1. Create a new document by click file > new, then choose Action Script 3.0. Make a rectangle, set the outline color black and the fill color white. Set the alpha of the white to 13%. Make the rectangle size the same with your stage by click V than click the stage. On the properties panel you will know the size of your stage.

  1. Now select your rectangle and change the size to be the same as your stage ( don’t forget to uncheck the lock proportions box ) and the position to 0 and 0 then convert it into a symbol by pressing F8. Make sure it was a movie clip, change the registration to the middle, name it Vcam then click ok.

3. Double click the rectangle, after you enter the symbol open the action tab and copy this code:

var camColor:ColorTransform = new ColorTransform();

var parentColor:ColorTransform = new ColorTransform();

var cX:Number;

var cY:Number;

var sX:Number;

var sY:Number;

this.visible = false;

var oldMode:String = stage.scaleMode;

stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.EXACT_FIT;

cX = stage.stageWidth / 2;

cY = stage.stageHeight / 2;

sX = stage.stageWidth;

sY = stage.stageHeight;

stage.scaleMode = oldMode;

camColor = this.transform.colorTransform;

parentColor = this.parent.transform.colorTransform;

camControl(new Event(Event.ENTER_FRAME));

addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, camControl);

addEventListener(Event.REMOVED, resetStage);

function camControl(event:Event):void


camColor = this.transform.colorTransform;

parent.transform.colorTransform = camColor;

var xScale:Number = sX / this.width;

var yScale:Number = sY / this.height;

parent.x = cX - (this.x * xScale);

parent.y = cY - (this.y * yScale);

parent.scaleX = xScale;

parent.scaleY = yScale;


function resetStage(event:Event):void


removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, camControl);

parent.transform.colorTransform = parentColor;

parent.scaleX = 1;

parent.scaleY = 1;

parent.x = 0;

parent.y = 0;


  1. Now you can copy and paste the Vcam to your animation.

How to use Vcam

How to make Vcam move?

Vcam is a symbol, so you can move it using classic tween. You can make new frame by pressing F7 click and drag your Vcam to your stage. Press F5 to make it longer, then at the end of the frame click f6 to make the copy of the frame, next you right click the space between the two frames and click create classic tween. 

You can move your Vcam anywhere and everything inside the Vcam is what will be shown when you export your animation.

How to make Vcam zoom in or zoom out?

To make the Vcam zoom in you have to make it smaller by pressing Q or select the Free Transform Tool and make your Vcam smaller, when you do it don’t forget to hold shift. So When you export your animation it will zoom in. So, how you make your animation zoom out? You can do it by using the same method like when you want to make your animation zoom in but now you make the Vcam Bigger .

How you make your animation shake?

To make your animation shake you can click F6 and move your Vcam with the arrow button on your keyboard. 

Then press F6 again and move it. Repeat the process 8 time and when you export your animation it will shake


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